Nisha, well done! You have hit the nail right on the head! I can totally resonate with the need to totally disengage from the Matrix and it is wonderfully liberating to say the least. Thank you for the inspiration and say it like it is! 😊

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Thank you so much for your words! So glad it resonates. I’m so encouraged by everyone’s support 💜

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I have been meaning to take a break from social media recently and just haven't committed. You inspired me to go for it. I deleted the IG app (IG is the only social media platform I use) from my phone this morning. I ALWAYS feel so wonderful during and after a break from social media. It encourages me to do little things for myself more often, like go out on my patio and tend to my plants or do a short yoga video, which feels a million times better than scrolling through IG. Thanks for the inspiration <3

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YAY! So glad this was supportive to you Emma!

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I am all in favor of your long-form pieces (they are what drew me to you originally), so if that means I’ll see you less on IG/TT, so be it!

If I/we/your community can help support your detox, please reach out!

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Thank you so much Doc! I appreciate you 💜💜💜

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Oooh! Proud of you for doing this! It’s something I often think about doing but have yet to… maybe someday!

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Thank you! So hard to do in this world.

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Dear Substack members,

I am inviting you to visit my page where I reviewing different topics regarding music, books. Recently I have started a serie of reviewing a certain type of books. Thank you everyone! https://jaroslavnovosyolov.substack.com/p/serie-books-from-anton-la-veys-shelf?utm_source=%2Finbox&utm_medium=reader2

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