The Healing Hype
The Healing Hype
Announcing: Nisha’s Greatest Hits!

Announcing: Nisha’s Greatest Hits!

I kinda changed my mind about The Healing Hype 🙃

Hello friends! I announced the The Healing Hype will be completely free going forward, but the format will change.

But I’ve changed my mind. So please read ahead to learn what will happen next.

I woke up this morning and had what I like to call an intuitive hit. It’s an idea that comes into my head that I feel like I MUST do something with. Sometimes I feel like I need to make a long-ass post on Instagram about this idea, but I don’t always have the energy. Other times, I wonder if I will write about this idea here on The Healing Hype, sometimes I do, sometimes I don’t. Then I wonder if I can create a whole coaching program out of this idea!

This is a lot of pressure, so what I do instead is write these intuitive hits down in my Notes app so I don’t forget them.

This way, I can research these ideas more, make content about them, write about them here, or maybe just forget about them. What matters is that it’s out of my head and stored somewhere.

But the thought I had this morning was something I really wanted to share right away. I thought about doing an Instagram story, but I had this urge to share it via audio because, well, since leaving my 9-5, people like you, and others, have taught me a few things about myself since including:

  1. You like the soothing sound of my voice (admit it, you do)

  2. I’m able to apply the abstract to real life

And what I’ve learned about myself is:

  1. Every thought that comes into my head doesn’t need to become a long-ass thing. I don’t need to make a whole course or write an essay about everything that pops into my head.

  2. Process > Product. As much as I’ve enjoyed the end result of pieces I’ve written, coaching containers I’ve held, and courses I’ve taught - I get the most JOY from the process.

This has all coagulated into the following….

Announcing: Nisha’s Greatest Hits!

Like I said, I have intuitive hits I want to share without having to create longform pieces. With this in mind, I’m going to keep the subscription model for The Healing Hype and share these thoughts, which I call Nisha’s Greatest Hits, with those who want to:

  1. Listen to the soothing sound of my voice

  2. Get a behind-the-scenes look into my mental processes (if you dare)

  3. Hear how I apply the abstract into reality

For $5/month or $50/year, you will get:

  • Audio recordings and transcriptions of Nisha’s Greatest Hits

  • Ability to add The Healing Hype to your favorite podcast player

  • Access to all previous paid-only posts (advice columns, meditations, inspiration notes, workshop recordings)

Oh, and you’ll also be supporting a South Asian American woman! If you don’t really feel called to join my coaching programs, this is a beautiful way to support me.

And if you feel the desire to have a 1:1 chat with me once a year, along with the benefits I just stated, subscribe as a Super Supporter!

If you already pay for The Healing Hype…

(this was updated after posting)

I have refunded you a prorated rate based on your monthly or annual billing cycle, since this platform won’t make an automatic change. Disregard the previous wording below. Please resubscribe if this resonates with you! I’ll be sharing some free Nisha’s Greatest Hits! for you to see if you love it :)

(Old wording)

Your subscription will drop to $5/month or $50/year during your next billing cycle. If what I described does not resonate with you, feel free to cancel! No hard feelings.

I appreciate you!

Thanks for being here while I truly go through my process, learn what works for me, what works for you, and what just doesn’t work. I appreciate you so much, and I look forward to having you here, whether you wanna hear Nisha’s Greatest Hits! or not :)

With love,


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The Healing Hype
The Healing Hype
Audio transcription and meditations for The Healing Hype