The Healing Hype
The Healing Hype
[mini hype] Urgency reinforces white supremacy culture

[mini hype] Urgency reinforces white supremacy culture


Hi friends! I gave a keynote talk for an association on Friday, and I mentioned a quote from Tema Okun’s White Supremacy Culture website in regards to the characteristic of “Sense of Urgency”. Several people either resonated with this or felt it was a huge takeaway.

In response to the fact that racial justice and equity is urgent, Okun writes:

White supremacy culture is not urgent about racial justice; white supremacy culture is urgent in the name of short-term power and profit. And white supremacy culture likes to engender a culture of urgency in those of us who are working to dismantle it because it knows that living with a constant sense that everything is urgent is a recipe for the abuse of power and burnout. 

(emphasis mine) I feel like this sums of the paradox we live in, that urgent matters like racial justice requires us to slow down and to address its very roots.

What do you think? What comes up for you?

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The Healing Hype
The Healing Hype
Audio transcription and meditations for The Healing Hype