Okay, so “Reparenting Your Inner Child Through Trauma-Informed Care” sounds soooo buzzwordy extra! LOL!
But I promise you that this will be amaaazing :)
This workshop is free to members of The Healing Hype! It is on Saturday, 9/25 at 10am PST/1pm EST.
So what is this workshop all about? Well, it all starts with her:
Here's a story I shared on Instagram about this photo:
This little girl wanted to make her artist mama happy, so she would make her mama paper pillows. She made them by stapling handwriting paper together and filling it with more paper, then stapling it shut. She was so proud of them, so she gave these paper pillows as gifts for her mom, one after another after another, so joyful in her creation! But then her mom told her to stop wasting her time.
This little girl was me. After this denial, I was scared to make anything, thinking that it would never really be creative. Later in life, I would ask my mom to help me with art projects, hoping she could help me be more creative, but she just took over. And while I appreciated her help and her incredible ability to create beauty from nothing, I had this script in my head: “I’m not creative.”
Sometimes we think that being creative or being good at anything has to be perfect, especially when compared to others. Because that is how colonization, white supremacy, and capitalism has conditioned us. We think we are in some type of Olympics, with others…with ourselves. But we really just want to be seen. We want to hold up our paper pillows and say “I MADE THIS!”
Have you ever felt dismissed today for what was subtly (or not so subtly) taught to you years ago? You deserve to be seen for all that you are and all that you feel. You deserve it because you exist and you are unique and because YOU BELONG.
I want this for you so badly. I want you to have pride in all the things you make! I want you to tend to your inner child, teenage self, and all the beautiful parts of you. But you have to be gentle with yourself.
This is why I created “Reparenting Your Inner Child Through Trauma-Informed Care”. Because tending to our wounds requires attention and care. You deserve to say “I MADE THIS!” with all the pride and excitement in the world.
Did my mom's denial of my pillow cause me trauma?
I don't know, but that's not the point. Being trauma-informed is about care, not questioning memories, memories like this, that are etched into my brain and my heart.
Reparenting ourselves is essential when we stop ourselves from taking action based on a story we tell in our head: “I'm not creative.” “I'll never be good enough.” “I don't belong anywhere.”
Trauma-informed care is there for us to see us. To be gentle with us. To offer us choices. To empower us. And to meet us where we are at. There is no judgment, only flow and understanding.
If you think this will be supportive to your adult self, I'd love to see you! You can join as a member of The Healing Hype ($12/month) or you CAN join as a non-member for $22.
This will be recorded as well!
Will I see you for Saturday's Reparenting workshop?